Customer Service (f.a.q.) | Orders & Order status

Below you will find the most frequently asked questions (f.a.q.) about orders and your order status at NurseOClock UK:


Ordering on NurseOClock UK

All the information about how to make an order on NurseOClock UK you will find on the Order procedure page.


Was my order successful?

You can check the status of your order two different ways:

- When your order is successful you will receive ( within 20 minutes ) a confirmation email for your order. Remember to check your spam/junk inbox.

- If you have a Customer Account with NurseOClock UK when you log in with your username and your password you can check the status of any orders you have made.


I have not received any confirmation email for my order!?

If you make an order on NurseOClock UK you should receive 3 different emails from us:

Order: You will receive an email to confirm your order. If you have chosen to pay via Bank Transfer, the bank details for the transfer are included in this email.

Payment: When we receive your payment we will send the invoice of your order via email (PDF).

Shipping: Once your order has been shipped you will receive an email with the delivery information.

If you have not received any emails you may have not filled in your email addresss correctly or our email is blocked by the spam filter. Please first check out your spam/junk inbox and check that your email address is correct.

What is the status of my order?

We try to keep you up to date with the status of yoor order. As we process your order we will send emails to the enail address you supplied us when making the order. First we send a confirmation email once you have made the order. Secondly you will receive an invoice via email to confirm that we have received your payment and when your order has been dispatched we send a third email with all the delivery information. Please check your spam/junk inbox if you have not received any emails. If you have a customer account with NurseOClock UK you can check the status of any orders via your account. You can find further information on the Order Procedure page.