Customer Service and frequently asked questions (f.a.q.) | Warranty & Returns

Below you will find the answer of the most frequently asked questions (f.a.q.) about the general information related with:


How can I return a product?

If the product does not meet your expectations or if you want to exchange a product for another reason (size, color, etc.) it is of course possible. In the Warranty & Returns page you will find the information about how to return a product. Do you have any questions? Do not hesitate and contact contact us. We go to 100% customer satisfaction!


How can I get refunded by a return product?

After sending the RMA (Return Material Authoritation) form, you .


Are there any costs involved?

Only the shipping cost of returning a product to us are paid for by customer.

What are the terms?

You can read our terms on the Warranty & Returns page.